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IBM T系列8X DVD区域码破解 [复制链接]


IBM T系列8X DVD区域码破解


    现在随着笔记本电脑配置的提高,DVD也逐渐成为本本的主流配置,但和台式机不同的是,笔记本都是厂商制造的,不像在国内销售的台式机光驱一样大部分厂商或经销商已经解除了区域码,所以这几天我买了T22后就着手找它的破解,光驱上明确写明了区域码限制是RPC II,根据以往破解台机光驱的经验,我到那个原来的网站搜索了一下,各位有本本带DVD的兄弟去看看,找一下自己的DVD破解,地址如下



    先用Drive Region Info v2.1看看你的DVD是否有区域码限制



    经过两天的试验,我已经将T22 4EU的DVD的区域码成功解除,本来是前几天就可以完成的,但由于破解过程中碰到一些曲折,拖到了今天才完成,其中缘由也请大家注意一下。

    我的T22 4EU(墨西哥)原配的8X DVD型号是日本产HITACHI GD-S200,Firmware版本号是0034,这个型号的光驱不但大多数用在IBM的T系列带DVD的型号中,SONY的一些型号也配的是它,所以如果你用的DVD型号和我的一样,你也可以在网站上查到它的区域码限制方案是RPC-2

Hitachi GD-S200 (8X/24X)
(Known firmware : 0017 / 0019 / 0020 / 0032 / 0033 / 0034)
You can reset indefinitively the drive region code by using this utility.
Hitachihack v2.1 ported by Whacker (based on Hunter code)

    我根据破解网站上的说明,下载了破解程序Hitachihack v2.1,因为我的系统是98和2K双启动,在2K下无法运行Hitachireset.exe,根据说明,可能是DVD没有工作在ASPI模式,我转到98中就可以运行了,运行时窗口提示修改后只能固定在一个区域,不用管它,选择一个区域码,点击Hack,界面中有选项可以选择锁在哪个区域码,所以这样一来,每次更改最后锁死所在的区域码就需要运行一次Hitachireset.exe,把区域码修改成DVD盘所需要的地区码就可以了。

    使用区域码查看软件Drive Region Info 2.1可以看到DVD的Firmware版本号和用户可修改次数,厂商可修改次数,第一次运行Hitachihack v2.1后,用户可修改次数、厂商可修改次数都锁死在4,使用PowerDVD播放影片时,如果盘片的区域码与DVD锁定的区域不同,则会拒绝播放,这与台式DVD光驱的RPC-2有所不同,台式机的DVD的RPC-2虽然也是两个可修改次数都锁死,但你使用不同区域码的盘片时它不会出现上述现象,而是将锁死的区域改为新的区域码,实质上与没有任何限制一样,GD-S200的RPC-2麻烦一些,修改时需要运行一次Hitachihack v2.1,但修改锁死的所在区域码是没有限制的,我修改了十几次,每次修改都用Drive Region Info 2.1查看修改效果,并用两张分别为1区和3区的盘片测试,没有问题。

    但随之而来的另一个问题是在2K下怎么办?Hitachihack v2.1的说明文档中明确说明无法工作在2K/XP系统下,我总不能每次修改区域码时转换一次系统吧(我大部分时间都是在2K中使用),这个时候破解网站上的另外一个程序DVD RegionKiller v2.2.0.1就成了救星,它虽然不能够象Hitachihack v2.1一样把DVD-ROM的区域码两个次数锁定成4,但可以修改锁死的区域码,并且能够运行在98/2K系统,如果你嫌任务栏中的程序太多的话,在2K下自己可以设置成不随系统启动出现在任务栏中,每次修改区域码时运行一次,在Default Region选项中修改就可以了。
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Andres 5:00 pm on Sep. 8, 2001
I have a more basic question than the region-freedom, although that of course is the eventual goal... Namely, I cannot change the drive's region code at all, even disregarding the counter issues, etc.

I am running under Win Me (waiting for the XP upgrade). I have tried Hitachi's own and Toshiba's RPC setting programs (the latter is said to work for all drives). They both return error messages saying that the operation did not succeed. A similar message, clearly pointing to the drive, was returned by the PowerDVD player. The WinDVD that came with the PC has all region-related stuff greyed out.

My GD-S200 is a RPC2 drive, currently set to reg. 1 and reports 4 changes left. I found a firmware patch that can reset the counter, so if I could actually change the drive setting, I would (hopefully) be set. Any ideas what lies in the way? Could this be related to some registry setting?

I have tried an advice from another thread here to use a PowerDVD player, but this also refers to the drive being locked.

Another bit of info, from van den Berg's site, was that Win Me may not allow some operations because of the lack of a "true MS-DOS" environment. Could this be an issue?

Thanks for any suggestions.


Andres 5:54 pm on Sep. 8, 2001
Perhaps this additional detail is useful:

the computer in question is 燼 Sony VAIO laptop, PCG-FX215

Joegib 2:10 am on Sep. 9, 2001
(1)Access to a "true MS-DOS" environment is only an issue where you need to install firmware using a DOS-type flash utility. This is easily overcome by running the flash utility from a bootable DOS floppy also carrying the firmware. (If you can't run floppy and DVD at the same time, you have to burn a bootable CD holding the DOS System files, flash utility and firmware file and boot from this).

(2) At the moment, though, this is academic for you because according to "The Firmware Page" there is no patched firmware available for your drive. See here:


(2) However, the entry for your drive on that site does have a link to a "Region changing utility by Whacker" which may be worth a try. The utilities you have tried so far simply aim to force a region change until you have used up the official allowance of 5 changes. The "Whacker" utility is presumable designed to give you unlimited changes.

(3) All that said, the symptoms you have described suggest a configeration problem of some kind so maybe someone with a Sony Vaio can help with that.


Andres 5:28 am on Sep. 9, 2001

Thanks for the advice. The Whacker utility seems to have done the trick. This is actually the same one I thought would let me reset the counter once the allowed changes were used up, but it apparently does more than it advertises.

The utility set the drive's code to reg. 2, but both reg. 1 and reg. 2 DVD's now play without requiring any region change actions when switching. The Driveinfo utility still shows that the drive is region protected, and set to reg. 2 (even while a reg. 1 disc is playing), but both WinDVD and PowerDVD handle both regions just fine without any manual intervention.

Perhaps an unexpectedly convenient result, but I'll certainly take it. Hope there are no other kinks.

Thanks again,

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