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T400, BIOS hacked for Fn-Ctrl key swap [复制链接]

Lenovo ThinkPad T400, T500, R400, R500 & W500 BIOS hacked for Fn-Ctrl key swap
fn 和ctrl 可以互换

byJohn Hobbes                                        , posted03/4/10 10:42 PM

We found out last November that Lenovo would support switching the controversial Fn & Ctrl keys (not physically of course), but only for the new models announced since then. Thankfully, an enterprising customer has taken it upon themselves to hack the last generation T4oo & T500 BIOS to allow this same key swap.
User “middleton” on Lenovo’s official forum is supplying a modified BIOS for ThinkPad T400, T500, R400, R500 & W500 systems that allows the user to swap the mapping of the Fn and Ctrl keys, of course with a very strong “at your own risk” warning label. He isn’t new to this process either, having created this same patch for the IdeaPad Y550 and Y450 laptops.
A couple people have responded noting it works perfectly, but of course proceed with caution. Also consider that future BIOS updates from Lenovo will undo this feature and you will have to choose between feature/bug updates, or having your keys swapped.
To Lenovo’s credit, rather than denouncing the hard working Russian and banning his files, they chose to cite the obvious concerns with using an unofficial BIOS. Beyond what I mentioned here, you also need to be clear that if the machine is “bricked” or otherwise needs repair due to this “hacking” process, Lenovo’s warranty will not cover that repair.
Hit the source link to grab the files and try it for yourself. Let us know how it goes in the comments
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联想ThinkPad T400,T500,R400,R500采用与W500的BIOS攻破蛋白- Ctrl键互换
通过约翰霍布斯,张贴 03/4/10日下午10:42

我们发现 去年11月 联想将支持交换有争议的蛋白和Ctrl键(当然不是物理),但只适用于新车型宣布,自那时起。值得庆幸的,进取的客户已经被自身做起,砍上一代 T4oo&T500的BIOS允许这种相同的密钥交换。

用户“米德尔顿在联想的官方论坛”是提供为ThinkPad T400,T500,R400,R500采用与W500修改BIOS系统,允许用户交换的Fn和Ctrl键,当然映射一个非常强烈的“在你自己风险“警告标签。他并不陌生,这一进程要么,创造了本联想IdeaPad笔记本Y550和产品Y450笔记本电脑相同的修补程序。


联想集团的信用,而不是谴责俄罗斯的辛勤工作,并禁止他的档案,他们选择与使用举一个非官方的BIOS中的明显关注。除了我这里提到的,你还必须清楚,如果机器“砖砌”或其他需要维修,由于这种“黑客”的过程中,联想的保修将 不 盖的修复。

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就喜欢冒险,哎, 现在有白名单的3.12版本的。t400

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