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Sail Away [复制链接]


       good bye my empty heart
  the ships takes you away, far from me
  yes i knew from the start
  you were not the one to protect me
  between the sky and ground
  i can't see any lines that divides us
  and it's so beautiful
  cause you don't belong to me
  i'll never lose you
  now you can fly
  you won't see me or my tears
  you can sail away free, anywhere
  goodbye my empty smile
  don't tell me how it ends
  only time knows
  i felt your hand in mine
  but wind tells me to let you go on
  beyond the coldest rain
  there must be something i can believe in
  slowly, once again
  but i'm bleeding inside
  oh where should i go
  without you
  if i hide in my silence
  you'll never know, i miss you
  just remember this my dear
  you can sail away free, anywhere
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